Thursday, May 14, 2009
Why Publisher's Aren't Going Anywhere
A publisher does more than just distribute and sell games; they act as the developer's fancier and marketing source. And, while digital distribution will certainly change the role of the publisher in the future, until the developers find alternative sources of financing and marketing their projects, developers' need for publisher's isn't going to change for a while.
Fahey goes on to point out that these alternate means could be accomplished either through the developer honing his own business skills (in marketing and finance) or by outsourcing the project to third parties. Aptly, he goes on to say that the latter choice would probably consist of reinvented publishing houses (similar to the change that is occurring in the music industry today). And, given the size of the industry, its history, (no offence but) the culture of developers, and absent some gigantic industry push to educated developers in business, I would say that Fahey is correct to assume that these third party providers are the most likely outcome.
As a side note, I would like to throw out a third option. Developers who want nothing to do with publishers should consider seeking to bring on a business expert onto their team from the start. Someone who has experience in marketing and raising money, who can sell the product to potential investors--possibly someone who used to work for a publisher? I dunno, just a thought...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What to Do When Someone Won't Pay
- What each party wants and needs and why he or she wants/needs it. It may not intially be clear what the debtor's wants and needs are, but it is something to keep in mind as the negotiations unfold.
- The leverage of each party. Leverage is essentially power; the more leverage a party has the more likely the outcome of the negotiation will favor that party. In this situation the developer will most likely have some leverage due to the terms of the disputed contract but the debtor will also have leverage due to the fact that she holds the money. There may be additional facts that could add more or less leverage to either side (such as the debtor is overseas and out of jurisdictional reach of the courts). Note that, as more facts come to light, a party's leverage can change over the course of the negotiations.
- What is each party's BATNA. The BATNA or Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement is just that. In this situation, most likely the developer's BATNA is that he won't get paid, but there could be other factors as well. The debtors situation will most likely be she gets to keep the money but risks losing her reputation. Like leverage, as the negotiation unfolds, BANTAs can change and bring a party to settle.
- Possible creative solutions. The point of a negotiation is to arrive at a settlement. While neither party may be completely happy with the settlement, it will be one that both can live with. Sometime the solution will be one that's outside the box
Small Claims Court
Alternatively, if the debtor is in the United States, and if the debt is small enough (it varies from state to state), the developer could file a small claims action against the debtor. This would require the developer to pay a filing fee to file the claim, pay a service processor to deliver the claim to the debtor, and make a trip out to the debtor's local courthouse to stand before a judge and argue his case.
For more information on filing a small claim suit in any particular jurisdiction, contact the nearest state courthouse to the debtor (normally state courthouses are done by a county by county basis). The court's website normally has great information on how to file a small claim. Or, if no information is available, call the courthouse, the clerks are (normally) very helpful.
- State the purpose of the letter.
- State what the non-breaching party's requirements were to complete the contract and how those requirements were fulfilled
- State what the breaching party's requirements were under the contract and how those requirements were not fulfilled; and
- Give the breaching party an opportunity discuss the matter with you and to cure the problem within X days (the number of days required under the contract)
- State what the developer will do if the breach is not cured. (Don't be over dramatic or threaten anything illegal. Just state something simple like "You will be contacted by my attorney/collection agent to settle the matter.")
If the debtor does not respond to the nastygram, the developer can either write the debt off or follow through with the letter's threat of legal action (see above). Furthermore, the developer can tell his fellow developers the TRUTH, and recommend not using the debtor because he did not pay his bills. However, this should be done tactfully, as the developer wants to maintain his own reputation.
The developer should never do anything to "take revenge" on the debtor including engage in threats or acts of physical violence, vandalism, or interfere with any other business contracts of the debtor.
Foreign Debtors
If a debtor is in a foreign jurisdiction, it can make it more difficult to collect the debt. However, the recommended actions above don't necessarily change. But, a collection agent will probably charge a higher percentage, or you may need to find an attorney that specializes (or practice) in that particular jurisdiction. Also, some jurisdictions (Russia, for example) have very weak collection laws which severely reduce the developers leverage regarding the contract since there is not much that can be done to collect if the debtor party does not want to negotiate.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Towards the end of the article, an excellent point is raised: "Depending on the genre or how the game actually plays, pursuing ideas like microtransactions or subscription models may not make sense."
What I draw from this is the importance of considering a monotization strategy from the initial development stage. Assuming that a developer is designing a game with the intention of turning a profit, the initial development plans should answer the question "How will I make money from developing this game?" And if that answer includes a a subscription or microtransaction model, then the developer should work to add features into the game to support that model. If the developer waits until after the initial stage of development, this could lead to useless or clumsy monotization features being written in as mere afterthoughts.
To the Great White North: My Apologies
Whether or not Canada actually belongs on the Priority Watch List is another debate completely. Here are some links to explain the debate over the controversial USTR report:
Monday, May 11, 2009
Social Gaming Marketplace.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The iFund
It is important to note, however, that the creation of this fund does not mean that Kleiner will be handing out checks to any studio just because he is creating the next Flight Control for the iPhone. Like all investors, Kleiner's ultimate concern is its the ability of it's investments to produce a return that is a multiple (3X to 5X) of its original investment. This may seem like difficult when many game studio struggle to earn what would be equivalent to a 1X return on the investment , which is why Silicon Valley venture capitalists have historically shied away from the gaming industry; the gaming industry is primarily hits driven and the returns that most studios would historically generate are not sufficient enough to warrant investment. However new business models based on subscription payments and micro transactions have sparked the interest of some of these firms to make small strategic investments in development studios. Thus, the iFund money could go to an small studio or developer, if it can prove that it is a "very safe" investment from Kleiner's point of view. This means that the studio will need to convince the investor that, among other things:
- the key employee's of the studio have a solid history and leadership skills;
- that the business model can produce a satisfactory Return on Investment;
- that there is a market for the studio's product and the studio can successfully differentiate itself from the competition;
- if the product launch is unsuccessful, there is an alternative use for the studio's intellectual property; and
- a gigantic investment will not be needed over the life of the business.